Hari Raya 2005

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Celebrating Hari Raya with Cikgu Manap

5th November 2005


It was Sze Poh who contacted Cikgu Manap in 2003 and since then we have always kept in touch with our favourite Bahasa Malaysia teacher. He managed to make it for the ACSOSA Reunion Dinner in 2003 and many ex-students who remembered him went over to shake his hand or gave him a bear hug. Many of us who were much smaller size in our younger days, remember this friendly Cikgu who at that time seemed like a huge bear to us.

Visiting him over the Raya Holidays is now part of the class of 1971 calendar of events. We usually do so on the second day of Ramadan. He is very proud to introduce us to his different visitors each time. His friends and family have been amazed that we have kept in touch with him and that he is a much loved teacher. This year we were very privilege to have the company of our ex-Book-keeping and Commerce teacher and Camera Club Advisor, Mr Chung Wai Foo in the visit to Cikgu's place.

Angie Yen



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