ACSOSA Dinner 2005

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6th August 2005


I was informed that many from our Class of '71 served in the organising committee for this year's dinner. Well done to all those who contributed and worked hard in all areas including securing prizes that were given out in the lucky draws. Out of the 33 tables, a minimum of 4 tables were taken by the Class of '71. Support by the Class of '71 was greatly appreciated.

I must admit that I had kept a low profile from the organisers, as I desperately wanted a break from organising get togethers. Age is slowly but surely catching up. However, I had look forward to the event as it meant a time of reuniting with old friends. Just a few weeks before the reunion, we met on two occasions: Shirley Wong’s birthday/Sing Khow’s return and Kam Onn’s birthday. July & August were eventful months, so the Class of '71 reunion is deferred till end of the year when we will celebrate the Golden Birthdays of all who turned 50 this year. I have yet to pick a date… 29th October is a possibility; just before Raya and Deepavali holidays. Next year, as promised, we will have the grand bi-annual reunion. So guys and gals, watch the space and keep weekends in August 2006 free.

I had a great time of fellowship with those from my batch. The food may have not been great, and some of the programme too lengthy but the good time made up for all the shortcomings. At this stage of our life, being in the company of good friends matters more than anything a reunion can offer.

An article, which appeared in the New Straits Time less than a week after the reunion, caught my attention. An ‘old boy’ who came from the year of mid-70s’ wrote this. He said he enjoyed the reunion (Good! Excellent!). At the same time he pointed out the one flaw made during one of the two toasts. This flaw made the national papers. lah...the poor bloke who so bravely stood in front of a crowd and sea of faces. The other time he made a toast was probably at his own wedding when someone toasted the Yam Seng.

Attending reunions and organising them is a different kettle of fish altogether. Having being CRO (Chief Reunion Organiser) for over 10 years, I am very pleased with my vast experience and organisational skills that I have in my repertoire.  I am blessed with an appreciative bunch of schoolmates who are always grateful and supportive of my efforts. It is certainly easy to swoon into a party and to partake in all the fun and activities. When it is over, as the Chinese saying goes, sweep your bum and off you go, while the organisers are left tallying costs, writing thank you to contributors and sponsors and a list of endless tasks, not forgetting the number of hours spent prior to the event. Just to think of them raises my stress level. On behalf of the Class of '71, I wish to publicly acknowledge the great efforts put in my the organising committee and to thank them sincerely for a job well done.

To our Alma Mater, ACS, Yam Seng… 

Angie Yen


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